Senior Army Instructor/Army Instructors:
SAI: Lieutenant Colonel Lahood
AI: Captain Deschenes
AI: Command Sergeant Major Cabrera
AI: Sergeant Major Polanco
AI: First Sergeant Simmons
AI: Sergeant First Class Dash
AI: Sergeant First Class Flores
AI: Sergeant First Class Rivière
AI: Sergeant First Class Bennett
Staff Duties:
S-1 Adjutants: The battalion S-1 is the administrative assistant to the Battalion Commander. The adjutant is responsible for other administrative duties assigned by the Battalion Commander, Executive Officer, or Instructor Staff (i.e: manning board, updating cadet records, company and staff).
S-2 Security: The battalion S-2 assists the Battalion Commander and the Instructor Staff in matters pertaining to unit security and enforces the provision of security requirements for the cadet battalion (i.e: security for all drill competitions and car wash).
S-3 Operations: The battalion S-3 assists the Battalion Commander in preparation, execution, and all training activities within the cadet battalion. They keep the Battalion Commander informed of Patriot Battalion training activities (i.e: maintaining training schedules for the battalion and keeping records of all the enlisted cadets’ training records (inputting cadets' training records in JUMS)).
S-4 Logistics: The battalion S-4 is responsible for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issue and turn in of all U.S. government property (except ordinance). The S-4 coordinates securing of property with the S-2 security (i.e: uniform distribution, ACU distribution, and keeping supply room organized).
S-5 Information: The battalion S-5 is the contact between the corps and the representatives of the student body, faculty, and local news media (i.e: battalion sentinels and picture taking at all events).
S-6 Technology/Communication: The battalion S-6 maintains the function of the battalion’s computers, printers, and all other electronic equipment. They improve all technological devices and update the Patriot Battalion website regularly with the daily announcements and events occurring that month (i.e: resolve automation issues immediately).
S-7 Special Projects: The battalion S-7 plans, coordinates, and maintains records on special projects as outlined by the cadet Battalion Commander, Battalion Executive Officer, and Instructor Staff (i.e: Winter Banquet, Military Ball, and other special projects).
Army Chain of Command:
Commander In Chief: Honorable Donald J. Trump
Secretary of Defense: Honorable Pete Hegseth
Secretary of the Army: Honorable Christine Wormuth
Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff: General Charles Q. Brown
Chief of Staff of the Army: General Randy A. George
Sergeant Major of the Army: Sergeant Major of the Army Michael R. Weimer
Commanding General of USAREC: Lieutenant General Johnny Davis
Command Sergeant Major of USAREC: Command Sergeant Major Shade S. Munday
Commanding General of Cadet Command: Brigadier General Maurice O. Barnett
Command Sergeant Major of Cadet Command: Command Sergeant Major Roy A. Young
Director of Army JROTC: Colonel Ken Jones
Commander of 2nd Brigade: Colonel Allen L. Kehoe
Command Sergeant Major of 2nd Brigade: Command Sergeant Major Jacoby J. Gadson
In-Ranks Inspection Questions
Basic Knowledge:
• What does JROTC stand for?
JROTC stands for Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps.
• What does LET stand for?
LET stands for Leadership, Education, & Training.
• What does JCLC stand for?
JCLC stands for JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge.
• What does SAI stand for?
SAI stands for Senior Army Instructor.
• What does AI stand for?
AI stands for Army Instructor.
• What is the mission of JROTC?
The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens.
• What is the key to success in JROTC?
The key to success in JROTC is teamwork.
• What is the only level of distinction that JROTC units can earn?
The only level of distinction that JROTC units can earn is the honor unit with distinction.
• What is the definition of leadership?
The ability to influence subordinates in order to accomplish a mission.
• What are the three leadership styles? Explain each.
Delegating: Giving decision-making authority to subordinates.
Directing: Instructing subordinates.
Participating: Involving subordinates in the decision-making process.
• What are the seven-army values?
L- Loyalty D- Duty R- Respect S- Selfless Service H- Honor I- Integrity P- Personal Courage
• Define teamwork.
Teamwork is the cooperative effort of a group of people working together to achieve a common goal.
Drill & Ceremony:
• What are 2 parts of command?
The preparatory command and the command of execution.
• What foot do you call the command rear march?
The right foot.
• On which foot do you give the command halt?
Either foot.
• What is the normal cadence/rate of quick time?
120 steps per minute.
• What is the rate of “double time”?
180 steps per minute.
• How many inches are in a normal step in marching?
30 inches.
Map Reading:
• How do you read a military map?
Right and up.
• What are the 5 basic colors on a military map and what do they represent?
Blue- Water
Green- Vegetation
Brown- Contour lines, elevation, and relief
Black- Man-made objects
Red- Highly populated areas and major roads
• Name the 5 major terrain features on a military map.
Hill, saddle, valley, ridge, and depression.
• What are the 3 types of north on a military map?
True, grid, and magnetic.
First Aid & Health:
• Define First Aid.
First Aid is the immediate care given to an injured or ill victim before professional medical help arrives.
• What are the 2 types of fractures?
Open (compound) and Closed (simple)
• What are the 4 life-saving steps?
Check for consciousness, check for breathing and heartbeat, check for bleeding, and check for shock.
• What are the 3 branches of government and what do they do?
Legislative: Makes the law.
Judicial: Interprets the law.
Executive: Enforces and carries out the law.
• The Constitution of the U.S. was signed on what date?
September 17, 1787
• What is the highest court of land?
The Supreme Court.
American History & Citizenship:
• Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?
Francis Scott Key.
• What do the colors on the United States flag represent?
Red- Valor and Hardiness
Blue- Justice, Vigilance, and Perseverance
White- Purity and Innocence
• What do the 13 stripes on the United States flag represent?
The original 13 colonies.
• What are the 3 types of American flags and which is the largest?
Post, Storm, and Garrison. Garrison is the largest.
Military Customs & Courtesies:
• Name the 6 basic staff positions found in most large military organizations.
S-1: Administrative
S-2: Information/Security
S-3: Operations & Training
S-4: Logistics/Supply
S-5: Public Information
S-6: Technology
The Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets. I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America. I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds. I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism. I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body. I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life. May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
National Anthem
Oh, say can you see, By the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed, At the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, Through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, Were so gallantly streaming. And the rocket's red glare, The bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night, That our flag was still there. Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, For the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
Rank Descriptions:
Cadet Colonel: three lozenges
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel: two lozenges
Cadet Major: one lozenge
Cadet Captain: three discs
Cadet First Lieutenant: two discs
Cadet Second Lieutenant: one disc
Cadet Command Sergeant Major: three chevrons above three bars with a star within a wreath between the chevrons and bars
Cadet Sergeant Major: three chevrons above three bars with a star between the chevrons and bars
Cadet First Sergeant: three chevrons above three bars with a diamond between the chevrons and bars
Cadet Master Sergeant: three chevrons above three bars
Cadet Sergeant First Class: three chevrons above two bars
Cadet Staff Sergeant: three chevrons above one bar
Cadet Sergeant: three chevrons
Cadet Corporal: two chevrons
Cadet Private First Class: one chevron above one bar
Cadet Private: one chevron
Cadet Basic: no chevron
Senior Army Instructor/Army Instructors:
SAI: Lieutenant Colonel Lahood
AI: Captain Deschenes
AI: Command Sergeant Major Cabrera
AI: Sergeant Major Polanco
AI: First Sergeant Simmons
AI: Sergeant First Class Dash
AI: Sergeant First Class Flores
AI: Sergeant First Class Rivière
AI: Sergeant First Class Bennett
Staff Duties:
S-1 Adjutants: The battalion S-1 is the administrative assistant to the Battalion Commander. The adjutant is responsible for other administrative duties assigned by the Battalion Commander, Executive Officer, or Instructor Staff (i.e: manning board, updating cadet records, company and staff).
S-2 Security: The battalion S-2 assists the Battalion Commander and the Instructor Staff in matters pertaining to unit security and enforces the provision of security requirements for the cadet battalion (i.e: security for all drill competitions and car wash).
S-3 Operations: The battalion S-3 assists the Battalion Commander in preparation, execution, and all training activities within the cadet battalion. They keep the Battalion Commander informed of Patriot Battalion training activities (i.e: maintaining training schedules for the battalion and keeping records of all the enlisted cadets’ training records (inputting cadets' training records in JUMS)).
S-4 Logistics: The battalion S-4 is responsible for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issue and turn in of all U.S. government property (except ordinance). The S-4 coordinates securing of property with the S-2 security (i.e: uniform distribution, ACU distribution, and keeping supply room organized).
S-5 Information: The battalion S-5 is the contact between the corps and the representatives of the student body, faculty, and local news media (i.e: battalion sentinels and picture taking at all events).
S-6 Technology/Communication: The battalion S-6 maintains the function of the battalion’s computers, printers, and all other electronic equipment. They improve all technological devices and update the Patriot Battalion website regularly with the daily announcements and events occurring that month (i.e: resolve automation issues immediately).
S-7 Special Projects: The battalion S-7 plans, coordinates, and maintains records on special projects as outlined by the cadet Battalion Commander, Battalion Executive Officer, and Instructor Staff (i.e: Winter Banquet, Military Ball, and other special projects).
Army Chain of Command:
Commander In Chief: Honorable Donald J. Trump
Secretary of Defense: Honorable Pete Hegseth
Secretary of the Army: Honorable Christine Wormuth
Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff: General Charles Q. Brown
Chief of Staff of the Army: General Randy A. George
Sergeant Major of the Army: Sergeant Major of the Army Michael R. Weimer
Commanding General of USAREC: Lieutenant General Johnny Davis
Command Sergeant Major of USAREC: Command Sergeant Major Shade S. Munday
Commanding General of Cadet Command: Brigadier General Maurice O. Barnett
Command Sergeant Major of Cadet Command: Command Sergeant Major Roy A. Young
Director of Army JROTC: Colonel Ken Jones
Commander of 2nd Brigade: Colonel Allen L. Kehoe
Command Sergeant Major of 2nd Brigade: Command Sergeant Major Jacoby J. Gadson
In-Ranks Inspection Questions
Basic Knowledge:
• What does JROTC stand for?
JROTC stands for Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps.
• What does LET stand for?
LET stands for Leadership, Education, & Training.
• What does JCLC stand for?
JCLC stands for JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge.
• What does SAI stand for?
SAI stands for Senior Army Instructor.
• What does AI stand for?
AI stands for Army Instructor.
• What is the mission of JROTC?
The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens.
• What is the key to success in JROTC?
The key to success in JROTC is teamwork.
• What is the only level of distinction that JROTC units can earn?
The only level of distinction that JROTC units can earn is the honor unit with distinction.
• What is the definition of leadership?
The ability to influence subordinates in order to accomplish a mission.
• What are the three leadership styles? Explain each.
Delegating: Giving decision-making authority to subordinates.
Directing: Instructing subordinates.
Participating: Involving subordinates in the decision-making process.
• What are the seven-army values?
L- Loyalty D- Duty R- Respect S- Selfless Service H- Honor I- Integrity P- Personal Courage
• Define teamwork.
Teamwork is the cooperative effort of a group of people working together to achieve a common goal.
Drill & Ceremony:
• What are 2 parts of command?
The preparatory command and the command of execution.
• What foot do you call the command rear march?
The right foot.
• On which foot do you give the command halt?
Either foot.
• What is the normal cadence/rate of quick time?
120 steps per minute.
• What is the rate of “double time”?
180 steps per minute.
• How many inches are in a normal step in marching?
30 inches.
Map Reading:
• How do you read a military map?
Right and up.
• What are the 5 basic colors on a military map and what do they represent?
Blue- Water
Green- Vegetation
Brown- Contour lines, elevation, and relief
Black- Man-made objects
Red- Highly populated areas and major roads
• Name the 5 major terrain features on a military map.
Hill, saddle, valley, ridge, and depression.
• What are the 3 types of north on a military map?
True, grid, and magnetic.
First Aid & Health:
• Define First Aid.
First Aid is the immediate care given to an injured or ill victim before professional medical help arrives.
• What are the 2 types of fractures?
Open (compound) and Closed (simple)
• What are the 4 life-saving steps?
Check for consciousness, check for breathing and heartbeat, check for bleeding, and check for shock.
• What are the 3 branches of government and what do they do?
Legislative: Makes the law.
Judicial: Interprets the law.
Executive: Enforces and carries out the law.
• The Constitution of the U.S. was signed on what date?
September 17, 1787
• What is the highest court of land?
The Supreme Court.
American History & Citizenship:
• Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?
Francis Scott Key.
• What do the colors on the United States flag represent?
Red- Valor and Hardiness
Blue- Justice, Vigilance, and Perseverance
White- Purity and Innocence
• What do the 13 stripes on the United States flag represent?
The original 13 colonies.
• What are the 3 types of American flags and which is the largest?
Post, Storm, and Garrison. Garrison is the largest.
Military Customs & Courtesies:
• Name the 6 basic staff positions found in most large military organizations.
S-1: Administrative
S-2: Information/Security
S-3: Operations & Training
S-4: Logistics/Supply
S-5: Public Information
S-6: Technology
The Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets. I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America. I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds. I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism. I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body. I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life. May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
National Anthem
Oh, say can you see, By the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed, At the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, Through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, Were so gallantly streaming. And the rocket's red glare, The bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night, That our flag was still there. Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, For the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
Rank Descriptions:
Cadet Colonel: three lozenges
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel: two lozenges
Cadet Major: one lozenge
Cadet Captain: three discs
Cadet First Lieutenant: two discs
Cadet Second Lieutenant: one disc
Cadet Command Sergeant Major: three chevrons above three bars with a star within a wreath between the chevrons and bars
Cadet Sergeant Major: three chevrons above three bars with a star between the chevrons and bars
Cadet First Sergeant: three chevrons above three bars with a diamond between the chevrons and bars
Cadet Master Sergeant: three chevrons above three bars
Cadet Sergeant First Class: three chevrons above two bars
Cadet Staff Sergeant: three chevrons above one bar
Cadet Sergeant: three chevrons
Cadet Corporal: two chevrons
Cadet Private First Class: one chevron above one bar
Cadet Private: one chevron
Cadet Basic: no chevron